Can A Minor Car Accident Cause Back Pain

An average of three people per day in the state of New York pass away in car accidents. After car accidents, nearly 137,000 people in the state visit the ER annually on average, and more than 12,000 are admitted to hospitals, many of whom have lower back pain.

The majority of spinal cord injuries in the US are caused by car and other vehicle accidents, which frequently have grave repercussions.

As a result of our backs’ inability to safely withstand the tremendous force of a crash, even relatively minor car accidents can result in back injuries.

Back injuries can be very costly to treat and have a big impact on your life. Although you might be entitled to compensation for your losses and injuries, it can be challenging to do so on your own in the legal system.

You risk losing out on much of the compensation that the law provides if you submit a claim without legal representation from an insurance company.

Finding a lawyer with the knowledge, courage, and compassion to provide you with all the assistance you require is crucial. Raphaelson, our prestigious personal injury law firm,

Our mission as the “Voice of the Injured” is to give our clients hope for a better future. Call us at 212-268-3222 right away to schedule a free consultation.

A minor car accident can cause serious back pain. However, the severity of a crash does not always determine the seriousness of your injuries. If you have back pain after an accident, talk to a lawyer today about your legal options.


Types of Back Injuries

Your body experiences a variety of forces during a crash’s impact, including rotation, acceleration, and deceleration, all of which can harm the body.

Since the neck whips quickly forward and backward during sudden acceleration and deceleration, the soft tissues in your neck are especially vulnerable to injury. Whiplash is a condition that can result in headaches, back pain, and pain in the neck and shoulders. Whiplash is frequently transient, but it can also progress into a chronic condition that affects the rest of your spine.

Throughout the entire spine, sprains, strains, fractures, and herniated discs are all frequent injuries. While some may heal quickly, others may be so serious that surgery may be necessary. Another condition that frequently necessitates surgical correction is spondylolisthesis, which happens when a vertebra slips out of alignment. Even a minor rear-ending incident could result in any of these.

A very minor accident can also exacerbate spinal issues that have been dormant. Many people have degenerative disc disease but are unaware of it until the impact of their accident causes a bulge in those discs, which causes excruciating pain.

A crash may also worsen or cause conditions like spinal stenosis. The spinal canal narrows gradually in this condition, but bodily harm can speed up the process and cause problems all at once, much earlier than they otherwise would have.

Although the accident did not entirely cause these conditions, it is possible that the trauma may have contributed to their development or worsening in ways they would not have otherwise

The Importance of Early Treatment

It is crucial to get medical attention as soon as possible after any type of auto accident. Even if you are symptom-free, a serious back injury may still be developing. Your spine can be thoroughly examined by a car accident doctor to identify any injuries that may be present and the best way to treat those problems.

If you wait until symptoms start to appear to see a car accident doctor, the issue may already have gotten worse, decreasing your chances of making a full recovery. These medical professionals will be able to rule out potentially fatal conditions before they develop and develop individualized treatment plans for your back.

Big or small, car accident injuries are our area of expertise at AICA Marietta. Contact us today to schedule your first appointment!.

Spinal Pain Mapping – Back Pain After Car Accident Case Study by Dr.Tony Mork


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