How To Relieve Back Pain From Wearing Heels

Have you ever considered that the incorrect shoes you are wearing could be the cause of your discomfort? And that could lead to serious issues with your back, neck, and shoulders.

Regular stretching of the plantar fascia and calves will loosen hamstrings and work to alleviate back pain from your high heels. Dr. Surve recommends stretching before and after long periods in heels and sneaking in some foot work during breaks in your day.


What happen while wearing heels?

Our weight is evenly distributed across the feet when we are wearing flat, supportive shoes. However, while are wearing heels they alter your body’s biomechanics.

To maintain balance, you have to lean back with your upper body and lean forward with your lower body. The increased pressure on your knees and balls of your feet consequently affects your gait, stride length, calf muscle tension, and walking speed.

However, the hips and spine are misaligned, which over time may lead to increased pressure on the spine, muscle overuse, back strain, or even pain. Thus, the longer you wear it regularly, the more likely it is that you will experience the aforementioned discomfort.

How to save my back from wearing heels?

The easiest way to avoid pain is to STOP wearing them, but if you don’t want to (due to your job or because you simply can’t live without them), here are some advice you should put into practice.

1. Choose the round-toed heels rather than ones with pointy toes. The toes’ natural shape may be compressed and deformed by the latter.

2. To cut down on the amount of time you spend wearing it, alternate wearing heels with wearing flats.

3. Avoid wearing heels higher than 2 inches, as the pressure on the ball of the foot increases with heel height.

4. Make sure your heels are comfortable and don’t restrict your movement or make your shoes slide off your feet.

What exercises can I do?

Start lying face up on the floor. Put your feet flat on the ground while bending your knees.

From your knees to your chest, raise your hips to create a straight line.

After one second, release the butt squeeze and resume your original position.

Keep both feet flat on the ground as you take a step forward with your right foot.

Stretch your left calf by pushing your right knee up against the wall.

Hold 30 seconds, then release the stretch. Do 3 reps per leg.

Pick up a small, hard ball like a tennis or golf ball.

Focus on the arch as you move the ball up and down your foot.

If you have any above issue, feel free to reach us! Check out our instagram page for useful exercises and updates.

High Heels Causing Back Pain


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