Can Physical Therapy Help Back Pain

Back pain is a common health issue that affects millions of people worldwide. It can be caused by different factors such as poor posture, muscle strains, arthritis, and herniated discs, among others. Regardless of the cause, back pain can be debilitating, affecting your daily life and preventing you from doing the things you love. Fortunately, physical therapy can be an effective way to manage and treat back pain. This health profession is designed to help individuals restore their strength and mobility after an injury, surgery, or chronic condition. Physical therapy for back pain involves exercises, manual therapy, and other techniques that aim to reduce pain, improve range of motion, and prevent further injury. While some people may opt for medication or surgery to treat their back pain, physical therapy offers a non-invasive, safe, and effective alternative treatment. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of physical therapy for back pain, different types of physical therapy methods, and what to expect during a physical therapy session. Whether you are


Physical Therapy for Back Pain Relief

Think about potential causes of the back pain before considering physical therapy. Sometimes a minor issue, like poor posture while sitting or a sudden movement that may have strained an ankle, is the real culprit. When this occurs, the pain usually goes away on its own after a few days with conservative measures like rest, heat therapy, and over-the-counter medication.

However, if the pain persists or worsens, it may be an indication of a more serious medical condition, such as cancer, arthritis, kidney infections, a herniated disc, bowel problems, or even a kidney infection.

Seek medical attention if your symptoms don’t go away within a few days. Wear comfortable clothing to your first appointment if your doctor advises physical therapy because you’ll need to move around a lot. This is because, before creating a physical therapy plan, the therapist will want to assess your posture, range of motion, and the different strengths of your different muscles.

What to expect from physical therapy

A physical therapist is a qualified individual who can evaluate your back condition and recommend particular exercises to speed up your recovery. Some of these include:

6 Benefits of Physical Therapy

  • Personalized Care. One of the main advantages of going to a physical therapist is that they won’t use a one-size-fits-all method of treatment. They will consider your body type, age, lifestyle (including whether you’re typically sedentary or active), current health issues, and how you react to various types of movement.
  • Decreased pain. In physical therapy, your gait (the way you move when you walk or run) as well as your standing and sitting up mechanics will be examined. This enables them to recommend exercises that will reduce pain that is specifically brought on by your movements. The therapist may also use electrical stimulation to restore function.
  • Restored mobility. Physical therapists look for the underlying cause of discomfort in addition to treating the pain. The therapist will concentrate on reducing stiffness, for instance, if your lower back is stiff. The therapist may suggest strengthening exercises to help you regain your full range of motion if your back muscles are weak.
  • May eliminate the need for surgery. Physical therapy is one of the most proactive ways to try to resolve back pain naturally, and surgery should only ever be a last resort.
  • Reduces the risk of further injury. Your physical therapy will consider any repetitive movements you must perform because of your job responsibilities or your participation in sports, and it may recommend recovery stretches to prevent further back injuries.
  • Reduces the risk of falls. A physical therapist will create a plan to enhance your balance and coordination if you have a degenerative disease or poor posture that increases your risk of falling.

Make a thorough list of all the potential causes of your pain, including your job responsibilities, your hobbies, any stressful life events, any recent injuries, falls, or accidents, and your family history, in order to be as prepared as possible. Together, you and your physical therapist will devise a plan that will work best for you.

If you’re experiencing back pain, let us help you.

At the Spine Works Institute, we take pride in assisting patients with secure and organic treatments. Physical therapists, chiropractors, massage therapists, and other healthcare specialists on our staff are available to help you.

To make an appointment or learn more about our practice, contact us at (817) 616-0700.


How long is physical therapy for back pain?

However, as patients’ strength and mobility improve with each session, they can anticipate spending six to eight weeks in physical therapy. Physical therapy might take more time or might be advised after surgery if your back pain persists or gets worse.

Can physical therapy get rid of back pain?

It may be tempting to sit on the couch all day when you have back or neck pain. But that’s a prescription for more pain. Physical therapy and exercise can be the best ways to reduce pain, even though getting up and moving might be the last thing you feel like doing.

Which therapy is best for back pain?

Chronic back pain may also benefit from acupuncture, massage, biofeedback therapy, laser therapy, electrical nerve stimulation, and other nonsurgical spine treatments.

Is it better to go to a chiropractor or a physical therapist for back pain?

Chiropractic is an effective treatment for lower back pain. Physical therapy is an effective treatment for lower back pain. Both should be used, it doesn’t matter “which” one!

Back Pain Tips from a Physical Therapist


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