Is Cryotherapy Good For Back Pain

The answer is yes, according to the professional athletes and celebrities who have made cryotherapy so popular, by submerging one’s entire body in a freezing chamber. The media’s coverage suggests that extreme cold is actually very hot.

Athletes, actors, and other public figures have lauded the advantages of Whole Body Cryotherapy (WBC) for shedding pounds, easing pain, enhancing athletic performance, delaying aging, and enhancing sleep. However, no reputable medical organization has examined this relatively new treatment, and at least one young woman has suffered some tragic outcomes as a result.

The recent passing of 24-year-old Chelsea Patricia Ake-Salvacion during a cryotherapy treatment, according to a Forbes article, “has increased some additional scrutiny on a practice that has been growing in use worldwide.” Cryotherapy’s effectiveness in reducing back pain was examined by Dr. When it comes to using ice packs on a sore back, Nayan Patel of the Texas Back Institute was consulted. Keep reading to get his thoughts.

Cold therapy causes blood vessels to constrict, which reduces blood flow, slowing the reception of pain signals from the nerves, aiding with swelling and inflammation. The effects of cryotherapy for chronic lower back pain relief can be long lasting and can lead to long term relief.


How to apply cold therapy

Although applying ice or other frozen substances directly to your skin can reduce pain, it can also harm your skin. When using frozen gel packs, it is best to wrap the cold object in a thin towel to protect your skin from the direct cold.

Apply the ice or gel pack several times per day for brief intervals of time (10 to 20 minutes). Check your skin often for sensation while using cryotherapy. This will help make sure you arent damaging the tissues.

Cryotherapy may need to be used in conjunction with other pain management techniques:

  • Rest. Stop doing things that could make your pain worse.
  • Compression. Putting pressure on the area can help reduce pain and swelling. Additionally, it stabilizes the area to prevent further injury to yourself.
  • Elevation. Put your feet up or elevate the painful body part.
  • Pain medicine. Over-the-counter products can help ease discomfort.
  • Rehabilitation exercises. Your healthcare provider may advise you to try stretching and strengthening exercises that can support the area, depending on where your injury is.

If you begin to lose feeling in the area of skin you are applying ice to, stop. Cryotherapy may not make your pain go away, so speak with your healthcare provider if it does not. Additionally, if you have a medical condition like diabetes that impairs your ability to detect tissue damage, you may want to avoid using cryotherapy.

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How often should you do cryotherapy for back pain?

Depending on the results you want and how new you are to the therapy, it is advised that you receive up to three minutes of cryotherapy one to five times per week.

When should you not use cryotherapy?

Whole-body cryotherapy is not recommended in the following circumstances: pregnancy, severe hypertension (BP

Can Cryo help lower back pain?

Compared to many other treatments, whole body cryotherapy for back pain can reach deep into the muscles for an even, deep relief that can last longer. The nerve impulses that tell the brain that the body is in pain can be stopped by cryotherapy.

Is local cryotherapy good for back pain?

Effective alternatives to conventional methods of treating chronic back pain include cryotherapy, Rocktape, and CBD. Back pain caused by inflammation will go away after just one Whole Body Cryo session. Similar to ice baths, which reduce muscle and joint inflammation through the use of the cold

Does cryotherapy get rid of inflammation?

In conclusion, clinical-like cryotherapy decreases inflammation by reducing macrophage infiltration and building up inflammatory key markers without affecting the area of muscle damage or ECM remodeling.

Is cryotherapy good for bulging disc?

Heat and Cold Therapy to Relieve Pain Alternately apply heat and cryotherapy (cold therapy) to relieve the muscle tension that a herniated disc frequently causes. Heat softens the tissue and increases blood flow to the area to promote healing when the muscles are sore or tight.



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