How Can I Get Disability For Back Pain

There isn’t a single definitive response to the question of whether back pain qualifies you for Social Security disability benefits. Much depends on the severity and duration of back pain, as well as how it impacts a person’s ability to function normally and earn a living.

As with any disability, you must go through the entire process of establishing and proving a recognized disability in order to be eligible for benefits. To do this, you must present medical evidence of crippling back pain that has persisted for at least a year. Acute back pain brought on by accidents or injuries typically goes away in three weeks, but persistent, protracted chronic back pain is a completely different matter. A specific diagnosis for the condition causing chronic back pain is frequently required for a disability benefits application to be successful.

To qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, chronic back pain sufferers must prove they have a medically determinable impairment. Additionally, the impairment must last or be expected to last for a minimum of one year.


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For Social Security Disability benefits, you may be eligible if your back pain prevents you from working. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a program provided by the Social Security Administration (SSA). Your back issues and back pain must be severe, as determined by the SSA, in order to be eligible for this SSDI.

If certain requirements are met, the SSDI program enables individuals to be considered eligible for benefits if they have worked enough to earn enough credits and have paid in enough taxes to the SSA. Children who are dependent on the disabled person are frequently also eligible for benefits.

What Back Problems Qualify for Disability?

If you have a back condition, you must be able to demonstrate that it is so severe that it will keep you from working for at least a year in order to be eligible for Social Security disability benefits.

Herniated discs, compression of the nerve roots, and degenerative disc disease are among the back conditions that qualify for disability benefits. One of the following medical conditions must be severe enough to prevent you from working for at least a year in order to qualify for disability for pain issues. The SSA’s list of disabilities that qualify for benefits includes a section on spinal disorders. You must have one of the following in addition to back pain in order to be eligible for disability for it. Back issues that could be considered as a disability include:

Even though back pain can be extremely crippling and excruciating for the person experiencing it, the SSA makes it difficult for those who experience it to obtain benefits. You must have a medical condition that has been diagnosed and has persisted for at least a year in order to be eligible for SSDI benefits.

Your tests, including x-rays and MRIs, as well as your doctor’s notes on a test, show that you have a spinal abnormality, which is what’s causing your pain and discomfort.

What Are The SSD Medical Qualifications For Back Pain?

The SSA evaluates received disability applications using its own medical manual. This manual, also referred to as the Blue Book, aids in determining whether a person meets the requirements to be considered disabled and qualified for SSDI. Although back pain is not listed, there are listings that are applicable to particular conditions that do cause back pain. The Blue Book lists a number of medical conditions that may be social security disability-eligible and result in incapacitating back pain.

Degenerative disc disease, for instance, does not have a specific Blue Book listing, so in order to qualify as having a disability under this definition, you must exhibit severe enough degenerative disc disease symptoms (e.g. g. To be eligible for disability benefits due to degenerative disc disease, a person must meet certain criteria (e.g., needing assistance to walk, needing to change positions more frequently than every two hours, having issues with their nerves). It is crucial to remember that degenerative disc disease can also cause additional issues that could be listed under a condition in the Blue Book.

Rheumatoid arthritis has a listing in the Blue Book that refers to ankylosing spondylitis, which involves a fixation of the spine of at least 45 degrees, or if you have another form of spondyloarthropathy with a fixation of the spine of at least 30 degrees as well as moderate involvement of two or more bodily systems.

Many back pain problems can be classified under Section 1. 04, which deals with spine disorders. If you can demonstrate that your particular case of back pain qualifies as a spinal disorder, you would satisfy the criteria outlined in the medical guide.

This particular listing includes:

  • Legs, lower extremities, and buttocks pain from lumbar spinal stenosis must make it difficult to walk or stand for long periods of time.
  • Burning, pain, and the need to shift more than once every hour are symptoms of spinal arachnoiditis.
  • a significant loss of reflexes and range of motion due to nerve compression

Regardless of the source of your back pain, you must show how it limits your daily life and affects your ability to work. Your records must contain notes from your doctor describing any limitations you have when walking or standing, as well as whether you need a cane, walker, or crutches to be mobile. All of these are given significant weight when deciding whether to determine a person’s disability.

Can I Use the Medical-Vocational Allowance and RFC For Back Pain?

You can still be approved for disability benefits by using the Medical-Vocational Allowance even if your condition does not match one of the listings in the Blue Book. This method takes into account your age, education level, transferable skills, and work experience along with your condition, symptoms, and limitations.

When employing this strategy, a Residual Functional Capacity (RFC) form regarding your back issue must be filled out. Your doctor will note on this form how frequently you will need to change positions, whether you are unable to stand for more than an hour or two at a time, how far you can walk, and whether you need walking aids like canes or crutches.

The form should clearly state if you must regularly take painkillers for your condition, as well as any side effects you may experience from them, such as drowsiness or dizziness. List all of the conditions, side effects, and symptoms you are experiencing. Include any additional medical conditions you may have, describing how they impact your day-to-day activities and ability to carry out your regular job duties.

The SSA will assess your qualifications for the Medical-Vocational Allowance in order to see if you can continue to pursue gainful employment in a different industry. You will be regarded as disabled if Disability Determination Services determines that you have been unable to work for at least a year in any capacity.

What Specific Medical Tests Should You Apply to Your Back Pain Disability?

Denials and appeals may occur during the lengthy SSDI application process. You should provide as much evidence as you can to support your claims in order to prove your case.

Several medical tests that may be needed to prove your back pain include:SSD for back pain

You can get additional tests and examinations to make sure you have a disorder that is limiting your mobility and causing severe back pain. To confirm your condition and the seriousness of your symptoms, the SSA may order an additional medical examination at their expense.

Include all doctor’s notes, prescriptions, letters from previous employers attesting to your work ability, and other medical documentation you can collect along with these tests.

What Are the Cost of Treating Back Pain?

The cost of treating back pain has a significant economic impact on the entire world, according to the Journal of the American Osteopathic Association. Medical expenses for patients with musculoskeletal conditions cost the US economy about $240 billion annually.

Patients with back pain should anticipate paying co-pays and coinsurance for appointments with doctors, chiropractors, and physical therapists. Prescriptions for drugs like painkillers, steroids, and muscle relaxants come with costs as well. Some patients also have to get steroid injections. Additionally, there are examinations like x-rays, MRIs, and CAT scans as well as doctor visits.

The typical back pain patient with health insurance spends between $1,500 and $3,500 annually on treatment. Back surgeries are costly and can range in price from $20,000 to $150,000 depending on the procedure and the hospital performing it.

Keep copies of all of your scans, invoices, notes, and other documents if you need to get these treatments. These will help prove that your back problems are severe.

2 Minutes To See If You Qualify

It can be challenging to demonstrate that your back pain is severe enough to qualify you for Social Security disability benefits. You might want to speak with a Social Security disability lawyer or disability advocate for assistance with the procedure.

You can obtain the proof you need from a disability attorney to demonstrate that your back issues qualify for disability benefits. If your application for disability is initially rejected, a lawyer might be able to assist you in the appeals process. Watch out for the warning signs that a disability claim will be rejected. Additionally, it can be beneficial to look at indicators that your disability application will be approved.

Most Social Security disability attorneys won’t get paid until your application for benefits is approved. Complete the Free Case Evaluation on this page to contact a website subscriber who is an independent, participating attorney.

Find out what circumstances make you automatically eligible for disability by clicking here.


What kind of back problems qualify for disability?

Your back pain must include, among other things, one of the following for it to be deemed a “disability”: herniated discs Compressed nerves. Degenerative disc disease.

How hard is it to get disability for back problems?

If you have a back condition, you must be able to demonstrate that it is so severe that it will keep you from working for at least a year in order to be eligible for Social Security disability benefits.

What is the most approved disability?

The most frequently acknowledged conditions for obtaining social security disability benefits are arthritis and other musculoskeletal system impairments. This is because arthritis is so common. Over 58 million Americans have some form of arthritis.

Is back pain a permanent disability?

You may be eligible for long-term disability (LTD) if your chronic back pain keeps you from performing the necessary tasks of your job. Chronic back pain is a common symptom. Serious back pain may be brought on by medical conditions and spinal injuries.

How To Get Social Security Disability Benefits For Back Pain


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